Monday, March 1, 2010

Administration Blames Bunning's 'Political Games' for Furlough of 2,000 Workers

Transportation Sec LaHood blasted Sen Bunning(R Kentucky) for halting legislation that would have extendend highway programs and extended benefits to 400,000 Americans. The bill would have costed 10 billion dollars and Bunning objected to it because the bioll wou have added to the deficent and congress just passed a pay as you go bill requirung them to pay for esilation righ up front. The bill will be passed it just needds to be payed for. Bunning is being supported by membors of the senate because he made a good point with the pay as you go prgram claiming it would be hypocracy if this bill was passed.
I agree with bunning we need to fund this but we have to pay for it not ,ake it more debt.

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