Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Obama Backs Down After Anti-Vegas Remarks

Obama has been feeling the heat ever since he made inferences to Vegas about spending to much there on Feb 2. This is about the third time he has infered to Vegas as not a place to spend money. "People saving money for college shouldn't go and blow it in Vegas." After this remark Nevada officals were outraged. They say they dont know why Obama keeps singling out Vegas as a place where you spend to much money. What is upsetting Nevda the most is that they supported Obama in the 2008 election and the econmy and unemployment there is a big deal. "Obama is no friend to Vegas and would not be welcomed if he visited," Las Vegas mayor Gordon commented. "Enoough is enough!" said Shelley Berkley (D).
I believe Obama didnt mean anything by his remark that he was inly making a point but I can also see the side of Nevada. Their economy was one of the worst hit and unemployment if through the roof. Obamas remars have hurt the industry of Las Vegas before and they are worried they will lose buisness again.

1 comment:

  1. *inferred
    *spending too much
    *too much
    *is (not if)
