Friday, February 5, 2010

Obama Proposes Expansion of Small Business Loans

The president is proposing tha congress pass two bills that will expand the Small Buisness Administraton's (SBA) loan program. The bills goals are to help small buisnesses during the rough economy. The first will expand the exsiting program to provide temporary sopport for refinacing. The second will expand the cap on loans from $350,000 to $1 million dollars. Buisness have to reach elgibility though to recive this aid on requirment is that the small buisness must be up to date on it payments from the previos year.
I think the president is doing the right thing to help the buissnesses because small buisness is the backbone of our economoy and thats where all of the jobs are. His goal is to keep jobs and this is the best place to start.

1 comment:

  1. *that
    *requirement (the sentence this is apart of doesn't make sense anyways, though)
    *businesses (you spelled it wrong twice in two different ways)
    *small businesses ARE (not is)
