The Obama Administration is locking up the countries nuclear suppply except for "extreme circumstances." He pledged in a new policy to quite developement of weapons even for self defence. His poplicy does not say the United States will not be the first to use nuclear weapons but it says it will have them to detur a threat or respond to a nuclear attack. Obama also says he will not use nuckear weapons against non nuclear staes as long as they follow agreements even if that attacked with biological weapons. Obama also said he would make exceptions to build up the stockpile for Korea and Iran if they become a threat. Critics say that we could find ourselves with inferrior straegy while others are improving, Obama wants to lead by example. but reducing the size of our arsinle.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Florida Doctor Stands By Anti-'Obamacare' Sign Despite Threat of Complaint
The Flordia Urologists who spoke out against Obamacare by putting a sign up in his office saying he won't serve you if you voted Obama is not backing down. Despite a threat of complaint Dr. Jack Cassel is urging doctors to take a stand because he says this bill will hinder his ability to uphold the Hippocritix Oath. His sign says "If you voted for Obama. seek urologic care eslewhere. Changes to your healtcare begin now, not in four years." Dr. Cassel says he is refusing care to patients but is willing to educate them on the bill. Rep Alan Grayson wants to file a discriminate claim, but the law does not include political discrimination. Lwyers sat Cassel is within his rights and more power to him.
Flat Tax the Solution?
With our progressive tax system out of control it's time for reform. Americans pay a average of 22% and the rich even 33%. Is this fair? No it's not. The tax code is thousands of pages long and with the standards so high for the wealthy, it is a wonder why people cheat on their taxes. So much money is lost in hidden expenses a individual can claim so no one is taxed on their real income. A flat tax is a tax with little deductions. A flat tax is a smaller percentage of your income anywhere from 5%-7%. That is three times lower than the current average? This tax also simplifys the tax code and makes it a lot cheeper to collect taxes. This tax treats everyone the same and provides what we need. Give it a shot why not?
Monday, March 29, 2010
Lawmakers Willing to Gamble on Public Anger Over Health Care
The public is angry with Obamacare! They have the right to be after all who wants to be forced to buy health insurance? While the Democrates claim the benefits of the bill will be apparent, first signs of it do not support what they say. This bill could cost an additional 5.5 million jobds becase big buisnesses have to pay for healtcare now, infact this plan is going to hinder the economy and make the deficent even bigger. With government control of health, government now owns 51 percent of the economy. The voice of the people is not being heard some claim and this appears to be true with over half of the American population against this. The Democrates say we do not know what is in the bill and they are confindinet in their reelections in november. I guess we will see when we get there.
Flat Tax- Ap Gov assignment
Summary of Flat tax-try this once-
Summary of Flat tax-try this once-
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Kucinich Says He'll Vote for Health Care Bill
Rep. Kucinuch (D-Ohio) says he will now support the bill giving the house democrates 212 of the 216 they need to pass health care. Kuchinuch said he is against it but after talking to Obama. family and friends he has changed his mind. He was against the bill in November. Kucinich was under a lot of pressure to suupport the bill by Obama and his district. Since the vote on health care bill, five democrates who supported it said they will not support it again until changes are made. The house is also trying a tatic that will not need majority vote to pass the bill.
Public Concern About Environmental Issues Hits 20-Year Low, Poll Finds
According to a recent survey, the public is not very concerned with climate change as they once were. Schloars believe the decreece in concer could be due to the economic crisis or that poeple belive the enviorment is improving. The poll asked eight questions about what people worry about the most in their enviorment. Every questin was down from last years poll. Schloaars think that this is why congress hasnt made any legislation for this. Only 28 percent of americans think that global warming is a problem. the survey was taken with 1400 adults and the margin error is plus or minus 4 percent.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Census Bureau Over Budget as Heavy Counting Gets Under Way
As the Census is under way they are finding themselves over budget. The Census Bureau is givin 14.7 million to operate with 1.4 million workers. So far they claim that they are over budget because they had to check all the adresses costing them 444 million. After that they trained 15,000 workers at a cost of 5.5 million that worked for a day or less. Their goal is to raise the last census from 67% because every percent means more money.
Pelosi Plan to Pass Health Care Without Traditional Vote Riles Critics
Pelosi is planning to pass legislation withought passing it. Her controversial rule is making parties upset. Shouldnt they be upset? Pelosi is proposing to simultanisly pass the health care bill by voting on the changes to it which would deem the original bill passed. This is a very tricky way and it could mean a rebellion in the upcoming elections. This is a deciving way and i do not think this would be the best way to go.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Democrats Question Obama's First-Year Travel Record
As Obama's first year as passed, democrat strategist are questioning how much he is traveling overseas. Obama has made 10 trips and stopped in 21 different nations, more than any other president before him. Obama has been using his popularity to improve America's image while he should have been using his popularity to get his healthcare bill passed. Critics say he might have gotten his bill passed if he would have used his time going from city to city trying to explain the bill and put it out there for the people. Clinton made 119 visits to 87 U.S. cities and bush made 101 visits to 80 U.S. cities while obama has made only 58 visits to 30 states. Maybe if Obama spent more time in the U.S. he would have more support for the bills he wants to pass.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
A Retiring Bunning Stands Alone in Fight Against Jobless Bill
Senator Bunning is reciving crticism for blocking a 1o billion dollar bill to extend unemployment benefits. Bunnung claims the bill will never be paid for and that it will add to the deficent while Dems concuur that it is appropiate for the situation. Membors of Bunnings party are frustrtated with him because they know the Democrates will use this to hopefull get a reconcilition vote for healthcare. Bunnung is rertiring and has nothing to lose while he frustrates all opposition. He stands alone and both sides make good points as why to support or object to the bill. Talk have resumed and resolutions will be made soon.
Postal Service Seeks Permission to End Saturday Delivery
Postmaster General John Potter wants to cut Saturday mail delivery as part of a plan to reach the multi billion budget gap. Capital Hill likes the idea but is still questioning it. Potter says people who still need Saturday service can get it even with the cut. Potter estimates a 7 billion dollar loss this year do to electronic communication and recession. Cutting Saturday delivery can save close to 3.5 billion dollars a year and he is also suggesting slight price increases.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Administration Blames Bunning's 'Political Games' for Furlough of 2,000 Workers
Transportation Sec LaHood blasted Sen Bunning(R Kentucky) for halting legislation that would have extendend highway programs and extended benefits to 400,000 Americans. The bill would have costed 10 billion dollars and Bunning objected to it because the bioll wou have added to the deficent and congress just passed a pay as you go bill requirung them to pay for esilation righ up front. The bill will be passed it just needds to be payed for. Bunning is being supported by membors of the senate because he made a good point with the pay as you go prgram claiming it would be hypocracy if this bill was passed.
I agree with bunning we need to fund this but we have to pay for it not ,ake it more debt.
I agree with bunning we need to fund this but we have to pay for it not ,ake it more debt.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Humanitarian Group Challenges Antiterror Law at Supreme Court
The war on Terroism is going against the first amendment, freedom of expression. A humanitariasm group is challenging a 1996 aniterrorism law that prohibits support of terriosm groups. Sice this law 150 people have been aressted. This humaitari=aism group claims that they shouod have the right to support these people in hope of reaching a peacefu resoltion. Jimmy Carter has writtten a brief in support of this group. The Untited States on the contray is saying they are not limiting freedom of expression but direct support to our enemy. I agree with the United States.
Inhofe Weighs Criminal Probe of Scientists' Climate Change E-Mails
Senator James Inhofe rep. Oak, is skepital aout the EPA's new regulation proposals for the inviorment. Inhofe claims their data is false because they relied wholesale on the UN's IPCC to do altheir work instead of finding research on their own. New evidence has arised that a scientist of the IPCC faked his data and the Justice Department is calling to probe him. Inholfe makes a good point about these scientist faking their findings and has good reason to believe through a serious of emails obtained from the CRU. These emails show abstruction of data and Inholfe is not buying it.
Cheney Hospitalized With Chest Pains
On Monday, Dick Cheney was hospitalized with chest pains. As is now Mr. Cheney is doing fine and his doctors are helping to fix the situation. Cheney had had heart problems since age 37 and had four heart attacts since then. Cheney has already had heart bypass surgery and two angioplasties to clear cloggs. Doctors still think that his problem could be a heart clogg. Ever sice the end of his vice presidency Dick Cheney has been going strong in politics and been a problem for the Obama Administration. Cheney will hopefully resume his political carreer but he wont be going anywhere until doctors find out what is wrong with him.
Toyota Executives to Face Congressional Grilling
On Tuesday, the first hearings of Toyota's sudden acceleration problem started. Mr. Toyota was honest and admitted that he could have oayed closer attention to the problem is the last few years and said Toyota has stumbled. The hearing had a testimony from Rhonda Smith who is 2006 had a six mile long journey down the interstae when her car accelerated to 100 mph and nothing she did would slow it down. Mrs. Smith put the car in neutral, used the emergancy break and threw it into reverse and nothing slowed it down. The car finally slowed itself down before she crashed.
Rep. Bart Stuoak of Michigan said Toyota mislead the public on why this was happening and that the Transportation Agency lacked the experience to investigate Toyota correctly. Toyota is on the stand and everyine is against them. Toyota is lobbying congress and reming them that their facotories provide jobs in every congressional district. The government is finingout that Toyota may have been covering up the problem and been giving false information.
Rep. Bart Stuoak of Michigan said Toyota mislead the public on why this was happening and that the Transportation Agency lacked the experience to investigate Toyota correctly. Toyota is on the stand and everyine is against them. Toyota is lobbying congress and reming them that their facotories provide jobs in every congressional district. The government is finingout that Toyota may have been covering up the problem and been giving false information.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Obama Looks to Change Up No Child Left Behind for New Assessments
Obam wants to push The Unitied States of America's education up a level. Obama said "We will not accept second place." He is revising the No Child Left Behind Act put in place by President Bush. Obama says graduates from high school are not prepared for college like other countries are. He claims that $3.7 billion dollars are wasted every year in reminder cost and other educactional expences. He plans to reward schools that improve their scores and make harder assments.
I agree kids these days are to lazy and not ready for college.
I agree kids these days are to lazy and not ready for college.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Republicans Object to Biden Taking Credit for Success in Iraq
Biden and Obama are takeing credit for the success in Iraq. As Senators Biden and Obama both opposed troops in Iraq and Biden even wanted to divide the country into three sections. "...this could be one of the greatest successes of this administrations, " Biden said. The republicans are saying that you cant be the strongest supporters of anit-Iraq measures, campaign to bring all of the troops home and then take credit for all of the succes said R Sen. Jim Inholfe of Oklahoma. Infact the trrop drawdown and success was implemented by Bush who made policy at the end of 2008 and it is now taking effect.
I agree with the Republicans, Obama cant take credit for the troop drawback in Iraq. You cant Be so opposed to this policy then take credit for it when it is clearly Bush's administaions plan.
I agree with the Republicans, Obama cant take credit for the troop drawback in Iraq. You cant Be so opposed to this policy then take credit for it when it is clearly Bush's administaions plan.
Clinton Leaves NYC Hospital After Heart Procedure
Clinton was taken to the hospital on Thursday due to a clogged heart artery . It was nothing too serious and clinton should be back to work by Monday. His procedure took an hour and two hours later he was walking and up again. As Clinton was being wheeled into the operating room he was on his phone conducting buisness. Clinton is doing fine and recovering. His family came to see him and they plan to leave on Sunday. Clinton does not see this as a set back and he is stronger from it. He is getting older and these things happen, Clinton will recover fully.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
White House: 95,000 Jobs to Come Each Month
Obama is claiming thaat he will giving adding 95,000 jobs every month he said Thursday. He also praised his stimulus package and then went to to explain that when he inherited the economy it wasnt the least bit good. Obama went on to say that we were losing 700,000 jobs a month when he got there, now he is adding jobs. The White House Relesed its report and in it it talked about how Obama has achieved so much. The republicans are saying that Obama needs to focus on small buisness and not try to put blame on the other side. A Economist is proposing to add a 100 billion dollar job package to bring the unemployment rate down. Although Obama is adding jobs, the unemployment rate will not move this year.
Friday, February 5, 2010
As Obama Prepares to Meet Filibuster-Breaker Scott Brown, Stimulus Scuffle Surfaces
As Obama and Scott Brown (the elected Mass. Senator) prepare to meet to discuss the issues of healt care and the stimulus package, the White House and Brown have a few tensions arising between them. Brown said in his first senate press conference that "The stimulus package didn't create one new job." In responce to this, the Whits House was outraged and fired back with immediate staticstics and personal attacks. The White House claimed they have saved about $2 million jobs and have boosted the GDP by 3%. Jay Carney, spokesman for Vice President Biden, suggested that Brown "take note of serious economists of all political points of view." Brown has not responded yet.
I think Brown and Carney bith have good points. I have not herd to much of the creation of new jobs but i do know that the package saved jobs. Carney and Biden are taking it Brown said their package did not do anything, which is not what he said, he inferred that the package could do better to create jobs.
I think Brown and Carney bith have good points. I have not herd to much of the creation of new jobs but i do know that the package saved jobs. Carney and Biden are taking it Brown said their package did not do anything, which is not what he said, he inferred that the package could do better to create jobs.
Obama Proposes Expansion of Small Business Loans
The president is proposing tha congress pass two bills that will expand the Small Buisness Administraton's (SBA) loan program. The bills goals are to help small buisnesses during the rough economy. The first will expand the exsiting program to provide temporary sopport for refinacing. The second will expand the cap on loans from $350,000 to $1 million dollars. Buisness have to reach elgibility though to recive this aid on requirment is that the small buisness must be up to date on it payments from the previos year.
I think the president is doing the right thing to help the buissnesses because small buisness is the backbone of our economoy and thats where all of the jobs are. His goal is to keep jobs and this is the best place to start.
I think the president is doing the right thing to help the buissnesses because small buisness is the backbone of our economoy and thats where all of the jobs are. His goal is to keep jobs and this is the best place to start.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Obama Backs Down After Anti-Vegas Remarks
Obama has been feeling the heat ever since he made inferences to Vegas about spending to much there on Feb 2. This is about the third time he has infered to Vegas as not a place to spend money. "People saving money for college shouldn't go and blow it in Vegas." After this remark Nevada officals were outraged. They say they dont know why Obama keeps singling out Vegas as a place where you spend to much money. What is upsetting Nevda the most is that they supported Obama in the 2008 election and the econmy and unemployment there is a big deal. "Obama is no friend to Vegas and would not be welcomed if he visited," Las Vegas mayor Gordon commented. "Enoough is enough!" said Shelley Berkley (D).
I believe Obama didnt mean anything by his remark that he was inly making a point but I can also see the side of Nevada. Their economy was one of the worst hit and unemployment if through the roof. Obamas remars have hurt the industry of Las Vegas before and they are worried they will lose buisness again.
I believe Obama didnt mean anything by his remark that he was inly making a point but I can also see the side of Nevada. Their economy was one of the worst hit and unemployment if through the roof. Obamas remars have hurt the industry of Las Vegas before and they are worried they will lose buisness again.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Massachusetts Voters Head to Polls With Full Force of D.C. Machine Behind Them
With the Mass. race neck in neck, what will happen? Both candidates (Brown- R, Coakley- D) have been campaigning fiercely for the open Senator seat. Coakley has had Obama and Clinton endorse her while Brown has had McCain, Red Sox baseball stars and other republicans support him. Brown has gained some very important Democratic votes because people of the area do not agree with health care. Brown is trying to appeal to all voters while Coakley is trying to get the woman's vote. Both candidates are trying hard but the polls are closing by the end of today, who knows what will happen.
I think Mass. is a prediction of how America feels. The people are not happy with congress with a democratic majority. People are getting tired of spending money and having so much government control and they are right! After this race I guess we will see what happens.
I think Mass. is a prediction of how America feels. The people are not happy with congress with a democratic majority. People are getting tired of spending money and having so much government control and they are right! After this race I guess we will see what happens.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Obama Promises 'Unwavering Support' to Haiti After Earthquake

After the deadly eartquake in Hati, president Obama promised relief in the form of water, search and rescue, food and medicine. The earthquake came as a shock to the wohle world when it devistated directky 3,000,000 people. The Penatgon, Department of Homeland Security and the military are all taking lead in this situation. Obama is encoraging people to donate to the Red Cross and other organizations that will be helping with this. Search and Rescue teams are departing from all over the United States to assist with civilians ttrapped in the rubbel. The number of lives lost cant be calculated right now do to the surpise and disaster of this crisis. Everything at the the presidents disposal is being used.
I think Obama is doing the right thing and doing all he can is a bad situation.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Congress Urges Obama To Do More To Stop Terror
Since the Chirstmas Day attempted attack by a Yemen terriost, some congress members have been urging Obama to do more to keep track of suspected terriosts. Other congress members have also urged Obama to loosen up some security so suspects are more likely to be terriosts.
The Obama Administration has taken steps to tighten security such as halting prisoner shipments to Yamen and tighter airport screening. "It's about time," r Eric Cantor told the media. Ranking Republican Susan Collins of the Senate committee of Homeland Security would like to see all visas suspended of people in the Terror Data Base. This wont likely happen because there is over 500,00 names in this data base.
The CIA is stepping up and says they will be more efficent in the distribution of their information to other government.
I this this christmas day attack was a good wake up call to Homeland Security. Thankfully no one was hurt and we can learn from our mistake. Airport security has to be stepped up even more becasuse millions of innocent lives are at stake. I believe Obama is doing a good job with handling this and i hope he will take more steps to improve a problem like this.
The Obama Administration has taken steps to tighten security such as halting prisoner shipments to Yamen and tighter airport screening. "It's about time," r Eric Cantor told the media. Ranking Republican Susan Collins of the Senate committee of Homeland Security would like to see all visas suspended of people in the Terror Data Base. This wont likely happen because there is over 500,00 names in this data base.
The CIA is stepping up and says they will be more efficent in the distribution of their information to other government.
I this this christmas day attack was a good wake up call to Homeland Security. Thankfully no one was hurt and we can learn from our mistake. Airport security has to be stepped up even more becasuse millions of innocent lives are at stake. I believe Obama is doing a good job with handling this and i hope he will take more steps to improve a problem like this.
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